Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Actually, this didn't start out as a lazy Saturday as the postman woke me up just after 9am knocking on my door to give me an envelope that wouldn't fit through my door. As I was still half asleep, I decided to go back to bed for a couple of hours - 9am isn't a time of day that my body recognises!! The rest of the day has been pretty good for a change, I had a decent night's sleep (always a big plus point in my book) and the new medication I've been put on for my diabetes seems to be working as my blood sugars were down to single figures for the first time since New Year's Day.

It's still hard for me to remember exactly what I've just done as several of my pills affect my short term memory, but I do know that I cleared some space on my old laptop and downloaded some music. I pay a monthly subscription to get 40 tracks a month and I haven't visited that site for quite a while, partly because of my mood and partly because of the lack of space on my hard drive. As I'd been away for so long, the site offered me a month free, why they wanted me to confirm it, I don't know, who would turn down 40 tracks for free? At least I've now got some new music to listen to while I'm away next week.

I did have a bit of a setback later in the day, I went to upgrade my music writing software, paid my money and then found I couldn't download the update due to red tape. A couple of weeks ago, this would have resulted in some serious self harm by me but all I did today was shout and swear and then fire off a couple of emails asking for help sorting it out. This is real progress for me and shows me that ,as much as I hate them, the pills are working - just don't tell anyone I said it! I've also managed to wash and change my bedding for the first time in absolutely ages which makes me wonder exactly what the meds are doing to me, maybe I'll come out of this a totally reformed character.

My week in respite is approaching very fast, in less than 72 hours I'll be there and I still haven't checked my packing list. Admittedly, I didn't really unpack from when I first thought I was going so there shouldn't be too much to bring. It's just a question of sorting out the little things like, should I bring my new laptop or my old one? I guess the only thing I really need the old one for is my music library and that'll be on my iPods that I'm going to take with me so new laptop will get an outing. The feeling I've got about this reminds me of when I used to go away when I worked - a certain amount of anxiety tinged with a degree of excitement about being away. If it's half as good as people have led me to believe, then I'm sure I'll have a good time there and come back ready to face the world as my old self again.

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