Friday, February 19, 2010


If I hadn't noted the phone call I had with my dad last night about my mother, I would have thought I'd dreamt it. It seems bad news is coming thick and fast as I've just had a call to say that someone I've known for a very long time has died. It's quite hard to hold onto reality in moments like these and also makes me think there can't be any sort of god because people around me are getting sick and dying.

On the good side, I had a review this morning and while I've still got to stay on the meds, I can have my arrows back so I can make plans to go back to archery. I haven't shot since before Christmas and have really missed it over the past few weeks (which must be a sign that 'm getting better). The tiredness is still bothering me so I've been told to split on of my tablets so I take half when I get up and half later in the day. The bad news is, I might have to stay on the antipsychotic for the foreseeable future as it's helping me although the dose might be lowered when I've fully recovered. When that will be, I don't know although I've been told nothing should change while my mother's in hospital.

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