Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A New Routine

My first night back at home was quite good, I was so exhausted that I went to bed shortly after 8pm and didn't wake until after 10 the next morning. I'm still struggling with constant tiredness although I'm a little more alert this evening. The tiredness seemed to hit me mostly during the day when I've struggled to find things to keep myself occupied.

Things sort of picked up this afternoon when my Sky box appeared to die. Luckily, I've got it insured but it turned out all I needed to do was a reset which unfortunately wiped everything I had left to watch. At least I wasn't left without one of my major lifelines! I also finished the piece of music I started writing about 10 days ago and transferred it to my iPhone so I can listen to it wherever I am and decide on any changes. It's been a while since I added any of my own pieces to my iTunes library and was pleased to see I've got over half an hour of music on an album. Maybe one day some of it will get a public performance (one of the pieces has been played in public in an earlier version).

My friend phoned this evening to check on me and it felt strange to talk to someone. Over the last week, I got used to talking to people frequently through the day, now, after only one day, I'm finding it strange to talk to one person. I'm also falling into bad habits with my eating already as my friend told me I hadn't eaten enough today as I'd only had a banana since I got up. Sometimes, trying to manage everything on my own without the prompts I was getting last week is very difficult.

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