Sunday, February 7, 2010

48 hours to go

I'm now counting down the hours until I got to respite (it's probably less than 48 hours by now but this is a rough guess). Last night, I was drooling over TV cards for my new laptop as I want to be able to watch TV while in respite but don't want the fuss of bringing my TV. Originally, I was going to be really good and get the bus into town to pick up the item I'd reserved at PC World but I really didn't have the energy today so, being Sunday and probably quiet on the roads at 11am, I decided to take the risk and drive.

Luckily, I made it there and back in one piece but I now realise that I'm not fit to drive as I felt very unsafe and made several basic errors that I wouldn't normally make. At least I know by experience that I'm not fit to drive so I don't feel guilty about relying on my friend to drive me to places. Also, I now have everything I could possible need while at respite, all I have to do is check what I've already packed and add in the few items that are still missing.

I did get a phone call from the HTT earlier but decided I didn't need to see them today, maybe because the 6 Nations rugby is on the TV and I didn't want them interrupting it. Besides, they'll have to come tomorrow with my medication and it'll give them time to find answers to my questions about respite. Although I'm quite stressed and anxious, I'm doing my best to distract myself (this blog being one of the skills) and have managed to stay safe for the last few days which is a major achievement for me!

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