Friday, February 5, 2010

The Day After

You know those days when you just can't get up, I had one of those today. I don't know if it was the stress of my diabetes appointment yesterday or the excitement of my new laptop, but I just couldn't sleep last night. Every half hour I got up as I couldn't get comfortable in bed and my eyes just wouldn't shut. Before I knew it, it was 4am and I was still struggling to get to sleep. Eventually, I did manage to get off and the next thing I knew, it was 10 to 2 in the afternoon. I only knew this because my friend had rung me to see how I was and was shocked to find I was still asleep. I'm pretty sure I could have managed a couple more hours if she hadn't rung me!

This has had the effect of completely throwing me for the rest of the day. I knew I had to eat with my 1st dose of medication and I also had to walk to the chemist to get my other medication, at the same time, I was aware that the Home Treatment Team would be ringing me after 1pm to tell me when they would be visiting. I'm not sure how I managed it, but by 3pm I'd eaten and been out for a walk. Shortly after that, I was due to take some more medication but had to remember to delay it by at least a couple of hours due to getting up so late.

As it turned out, I needn't have rushed out. I sat waiting for the phone call for several hours. In fact, when it got to 5pm, the voices in my head told me that they'd forgotten about me and I deserved to be forgotten. I guess phone calls are like buses, you wait ages for one and then suddenly 3 come at once. first, my dad called to see if I was going to play in church on Sunday. I bit the bullet and told him I wasn't up to it so now I can relax about the weekend. Second, the HTT called to say the nurse that was coming had chosen to avoid the rush hour traffic which is why I hadn't heard anything but he would be coming in 45 minutes. Finally, my friend phoned to see how I was and to see if the HTT had called. At least I was able to vent some of my feelings about yesterday, getting up late and the delay in the call from the HTT.

Having had today's home visit, I'm much more relaxed now especially as I know that some of my questions about respite such as medications and transport will be answered on Monday. I'm hoping that tonight will be a better night - I'm feeling quite tired now but that could all change over the next few hours. Each time I went to bed last night, I thought I felt tired but I was unable to shut my eyes and sleep for several hours. Maybe if I just stop thinking and stressing about it, I might do better.

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