Saturday, February 20, 2010


I've been thinking today about relationships, in particular, friendships. I have two main relationships, one is a genuine friend, the other was given to me in the form of a befriender and this latest rough patch has really put both of them to the test. My genuine friend, who I shall refer to as my friend, has been there as much as possible, coming round to see me, taking me out and bringing me endless food parcels. My befriender, on the other hand, has been conspicuous by her absence.

we're supposed to meet on a regular basis in an effort to get me to go out more often but the last time this happened was around mid-December (two months ago). Normally, when I get ill, I cut all communication but this time was different. I've tried my best to keep her up to date with everything that happened with me. Sometimes, I might get a reply to a text the same day, more often, though, replies took much longer.

The point of this relationship is to support me through my illness and it has failed miserably. While it's not the first time this has happened with a befriender, I know it's not my fault this time. I've said when going out was a problem because I couldn't drive. While I don't expect anyone to be a mindreader, surely a proper response to this would be "how about I come over and pick you up". This hasn't happened even though she knows where I live so I really think it's time to call it a day on this one.

I wonder if I'll ever get a befriender who works for me? I've had a few, but as these were students, the relationships were short lived due to exams and moving on. The ones that could be long term have always failed because they didn't meet my needs. All I ask for, is someone to go out with me on a regular basis and come up with ideas for places to go. Surely, that's not too much to ask for or am I setting my sights too high?

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