Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Bits & Bad Bits

Today has been a very mixed day with some extremes. It started quite well when some software I'd ordered arrived, I also ordered some specialist batteries so that I could use the drawing tablet I'd bought years ago with my new drawing software. I was also expecting my new laptop and spent most of the morning staring out of the window in a vain attempt to make the delivery van arrive sooner.

By lunchtime, nothing had arrived and my friend arrived to take me to the hospital for my diabetes review. I really didn't want to go as I knew it wouldn't be good news and I knew that as soon as I left, my delivery would arrive. There was no chance of staying at home though, as my friend insisted I had to go. As expected, I was still waiting in the corridor half an hour after I was due to see the doctor and my stress levels were rapidly rising. things weren't helped by the nurse weighing me and checking my blood pressure - both readings were much higher and the nurse didn't seem to listen to me when I said there was no way my weight was that much as I knew I'd lost weight.

As I expected, the news about my diabetes wasn't good, although my cholesterol levels had only risen very slightly, my long term glucose control had shot up to 9.2 (it was 7.7 in September). This hit me quite hard but luckily, the female doctor that I saw was prepared to look at the whole picture and I didn't feel that she was disappointed in me (doctors, take note, this is very important to all patients). The bad news is, I have to take yet another medication, the good news is, it's a pill rather than injections which I don't think I could cope with at this stage although hypos (very low blood sugar levels) are a common reaction with this pill so I have to monitor my sugar levels even more closely than I have been doing (when I remember or when my friend reminds me!).

By the time we'd made a detour to Tesco so I could stock up on tobacco and then stopped off at the chemist to get my new meds, it was getting quite late and I dreaded getting home to find a card saying they'd tried to deliver my laptop but had taken it back to the depot as I wasn't in. Luck was on my side as there wasn't a card and when I checked the website, it had only gone out for delivery at 13.30 so I'd managed to get home in time. Now all I had to do was get rid of my friend as I don't think she'll be too happy with me for buying so much stuff (even though I had to get rid of my excess savings). Fortunately, she only stopped for a mug of tea and left to try to beat the traffic. Shortly after that, my wonderful, sleek and ultra-fast laptop arrived.

One of my excuses for having it is, it'll give me something to focus on until I go to respite as its a new operating system that I have to get used to. It's certainly kept me very occupied this evening and there haven't been any bad thoughts, voices or visions to disturb me. All I need to be able to do is to switch it off and go to bed, otherwise, I can see me sitting up half the night playing with it!

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