Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Never rains but it pours

I thought things were going far too well for me. Last night, I noticed a few problems with my eyes, basically, I was finding it hard to see properly and realised I was guessing at things on my computer screen as well as seeing double and seeing halos round lights. My friend had told me I needed to see a doctor but I hoped that everything would be ok by the morning.

Having tried to do some stuff on my laptop this morning, I realised the problem hadn't gone away so I phoned for an emergency appointment. Luckily, I got one within 5 minutes so I had to drive to the surgery as I'd never make it in that time walking. The doctor that I saw has made me an emergency appointment at the eye clinic - I'm just waiting for the hospital to phone me to confirm the details. It does worry me especially as the doctor mentioned glaucoma which I'd been tested for less than two months ago. Hopefully, it'll turn out to be nothing. All I want is to have my eyesight back to normal so I can see to do things like drive and use my laptop. Ok, I'm not completely stuffed as I'm writing this but I'm relying on spell check far more than I normally do to help me write. Maybe I need more sleep, maybe I've got an infection or maybe my eye condition is worsening. Watch this space.....

In the meantime, I've got to keep a closer eye on my blood pressure and cholesterol. This afternoon, my mother called me to tell me that whatever caused her heart attack is hereditary so she was told to warn us. Luckily for me, I already get both those checked because unluckily, I already need treatment for both of those conditions. At least it explains why I've got some of the conditions I'm battling.

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