Sunday, February 21, 2010

Anti-social behaviour

One of the reasons I ended up in respite care was because of my neighbours. Not only do they do things to annoy me, they're often very noisy and don't appear to consider other people. When I came back from respite, the noise did seem to be a little better but I've just discovered their behaviour hasn't improved. I'd just gone out to put some boxes out in my recycling bin and happened to check in my rubbish bin to see if it had bee emptied while I was away. I didn't expect to see several bags of someone else's rubbish in there.

Having checked my neighbour's (full) bin, I realised it had to be her as the bags were all the same type. In fact, as her bin was already full, it looked as if she'd split her rubbish between my bin and the one belonging to the downstairs flat. Being me, I wasn't going to put up with this, so I emptied my bin, stuffed 3 bags in her bin so it's now overflowing and left the rest on the pavement by her bin. I could understand rubbish being put in the wrong bin if they weren't labelled but I put my flat number on both my bins as soon as I got them to avoid this sort of behaviour.

I presume she thought she could get away with it as I'd been away (I'm assuming it happened while I was away). If the woman had the slightest shred of decency she would have at least apologised for this. Unfortunately, it's not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. I could complain to my housing association like I've done before but it doesn't seem to make the slightest difference, besides, the only proof I've got is the fact that they were the same type of bags in both bins. I've half a mind to rig up my video camera so I can catch her at it as it's the only way I'm going to get anywhere with it.

It annoys me because I went away for a break from all this and within days, the trouble is starting up again. It's all very well saying "do your relaxation exercises" but it's not so easy when the gobby mare is disturbing my peace.

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