Monday, February 8, 2010

Counting the hours.

This time tomorrow, I'll be relaxing in respite care. Or at least, I hope I will be. The nurse that came today was surprised that no-one had told me what the travel arrangements will be. Sadly, she didn't know either so I've got to wait for a phone call tomorrow morning to find out. Unlike last month, when I first thought I was going, I've been quite relaxed about packing and still haven't got around to doing it. Maybe I'll leave it until later when there's nothing on the telly!

Today has been another one of those mixed days. I walked down to the chemist first thing to collect my medications only to find that the long list from the doctor's still hadn't arrived even though I put the request in a week ago. On the way back, it started to snow a bit and as it was very cold, I didn't fancy another walk later to collect again. First of all, I had to locate the prescription which turned out to be still at my doctor's surgery. For some reason, they'd not put it in the box for the chemist to pick up (time to bash head against a brick wall). Everything turned out okay in the end as my friend offered to pick everything up for me later and bring it round to me.

The rest of the day has flown by as I spent most of it playing around with my upgraded music writing software after sorting out all the difficulties with it over the weekend. I'd forgotten how good it felt to write music and while my work will probably never be played by a great orchestra, it felt pleasing to me. Even that emotion which is so simple to most people is a good sign for me as I'd been feeling fairly flat for most of the time.

The nurse arrived in the early evening with my medication and to check on me. This week, some of my medication has been increased which I found slightly puzzling. It also means I'm on a higher dose from tomorrow which could make respite interesting. At least it means I'll be knocked out at night as I've been given an even higher dose at night. The nurse was able to answer a lot of my questions about respite which has put my mind slightly at rest. However, as I told her, I'll be stressed and anxious about it no matter how much I know until I get there and see it all for myself. Wish me luck!

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