Monday, March 1, 2010

Getting Back to my Routine

I'm gradually starting to get back to my usual routine having gone to archery club on Friday and my woodwork class today. Archery was really tough, I hadn't realised how unfit I'd become. I only managed about an hour before my shooting became really poor because I was so tired and even waling 60 feet to collect my arrows was a struggle so I decided to quit before it really started to affect my mood.

Woodwork today was ok, but again, I didn't stay until the end as I felt I'd done enough for the session. At least I finished my project - a holder for my pens and nib tin. You never know, I might even manage to go to pottery tomorrow, then I'll be back doing all the things I like doing. Thinking of things I don't like doing, I forgot to bring my blood test form with me today. At some point this week, I have to do a blood test for my next diabetes appointment in a couple of weeks. While it's not something I enjoy doing , at least this one is a random test so I don't have to fast. This also means I can do it later in the day when there's less likely to be a queue.

I've got my fist committee meeting for the archery club this week and am hoping to not disgrace myself there. I think it'll be hard talking about things that everyone else already knows about but I'm a relative newcomer to. At least I can get to say my piece about the lack of access to the field (the club owners no longer keep the gates open 24/7). Maybe I'll just sit and watch as that's something I am good at doing.

Having sat and thought about it, I decided to drive down to the archery field as the weather was soo good and managed to get in about 45 minutes of shooting before it got too cold and dark for me. Far from wearing me out, that little bit of exercise has given me some more energy which is strange but good. I just need to be careful and make sure I don't over do it, as I have a tendency to throw myself into something a little too much and thne end up getting into trouble. 45 minutes seems to have been just enough to stretch those muscles that took a pounding on Friday night!

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