Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is it the pills?

Once again, I've been hit by a terrible tiredness that makes me just want to close my eyes and sleep. This has been going on ever since I started at respite and its really starting to get me down now as it just gets in the way of anything I want to do. I'm not sure why it keeps happening, I certainly never used to be like this, in fact , I was very much a night owl.

Maybe it's because I haven't been out today. My pottery class was cancelled because the teacher is on leave. I did make a passable attempt at making soup today which was an achievement for me. It was really an experiment to so what I could do with the leftover vegetables I had from the previous two days. So far, it seems to be okay and I haven't been sick yet which is a good sign!

Perhaps I need the extra sleep in preparation for tomorrow as I've got to go back to the eye clinic in the afternoon. Last week when I went, the doctor said there had been some damage to my eyes which might explain the problems I've been having. Unfortunately, there wasn't time to dilate my eyes so she could have a proper look so I've got to go back tomorrow for the full blown treatment. I hate having my eyes dilated as I usually end up with a headache and not being able to see properly enough to even use my phone is a real pain in the butt. On the plus side, I might get some answers as to why my sight has been so poor lately, I'm just hoping there isn't the huge delay I've had the last two times I've had to attend.

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