Thursday, June 3, 2010

Doing well

Last Friday I had my CPA meeting with my psychiatrist and other members of my team. Fortunately, only my CPN turned up as I was feeling excessively anxious while I was waiting to go in. I've no idea why I felt so anxious as I've had many of these meetings on the past and attend the unit once a month to see one of my nurses. Luckily, I remembered my breathing exercises and managed to calm myself down.

The meeting itself was fairly short compared to previous meetings and it seems my shrink is happy with my progress although she wants me to start reducing my anti-psychotic. I'm not sure how I feel about it, on the one hand, it's really helping me sleep but on the other, it's not so good for my diabetes as it has the side effect of weight gain.

Overall, I feel as though things are back on track for me, I'm going to all my groups on a regular basis, I'm taking all my meds (a big thing for me as I'm not keen on the idea of drugs to keep me well) and I'm going to all my appointments. Speaking of which, I've got my retinal screening next Tuesday which I'm really not looking forward to as I can't drive there so I'll have to get the bus or splash out on a taxi and I hate having my eyes dilated as I often end up with a headache. At the moment, I'm debating which mode of transport to use and I'm seriously thinking of taking the risk and driving there as it's a relatively easy drive there. The voice of reason in my head tells me to take the bus but the rest of me hates the idea of waiting around so much - I could be there in 5 minutes if I drove but will have to leave over half an hour earlier if I get the bus, plus, there's all the anxiety associated with getting a bus for me. Maybe I need to sleep on this matter, after all, I've bitten hte bullet on so many things lately, maybe it's time for me to start using public transport.

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